REVIEW: ‘We Intend to Cause Havoc’ documents Zamrock band WITCH

Photo: Jagari plays guitar for some fellow musicians who love his skills and talents. Photo courtesy of Utopia / Provided by Sicily Publicity with permission.

The title of the new documentary We Intend to Cause Havoc is also the name of one of the most influential rock bands to ever emerge from Zambia in southern Africa. Abbreviated, We Intend to Cause Havoc is known simply as WITCH, and they rocked under the leadership of the energetic and talented singer Jagari.

The new film follows a group of traveling musicians who head to Zambia to explore the history of WITCH and what may have happened to this cool, cool band. What they find is the story of Zamrock, the rock ‘n’ roll scene in Zambia that dominated in the 1970s. Many of the greats have moved on or died, but Jagari is still alive and still has the skills to rock out. However, his current profession is gemstone mining, a far cry from the days when he commandeered the stage with WITCH.

As these music-based films go, there are many memories discussed and old locations visited, and the inevitable reunion concert is a final capstone to the journey. However, director Gio Arlotta’s cinematic story doesn’t feel like a paint-by-numbers narrative. Instead, the story and characters have verve, energy and life, and intersections are explored between one’s art and one’s politics. There’s also a genuine admiration for WITCH and the music they produced. In some ways these visiting musicians to Zambia are fanboys, ecstatic to meet these legends, in particular Jagari.

Anyone who has checked out the status of WITCH by conducting a simple Google search will know that there’s a fairytale ending (or beginning) to this tale. The rediscovery of this rock band’s music has led to a global interest in the band and Jagari, and that is an awesome credit to the documentary We Intend to Cause Havoc and the crew who made the trip to Zambia. This music needs to live on — yes, on vinyl, but also in person. The dynamism of Jagari on stage, who is a truly unique interpreter of catchy, funky, important songs, deserves to be respected and enjoyed by throngs of people. One hopes their touring gets back on track after the pandemic, and perhaps a big band can give them a shot as an opener in front of the crowd they ought to have. Why not the Rolling Stones? After all, Jagari’s name is an ode to Mick Jagger.

We Intend to Cause Havoc is a thoughtful journey into the heart of Zamrock by following one band and one singer who brought a nation to its dancing, rocking, jubilant feet.

By John Soltes / Publisher /

We Intend to Cause Havoc (2019). Directed by Gio Arlotta. Featuring Jagari and WITCH. Running time: 88 minutes. Recently acquired by Utopia. Rating: ★★★½

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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