REVIEW: The Venture Bros. return with ‘Radiant’ film

Photo: The Venture Bros. are back in Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart. Image courtesy of Adult Swim / Provided by Falkowitz PR with permission.

The Venture Bros. is one of the most influential and successful Adult Swim series of all time. The exploits of beloved characters like Doc, Hank and the Monarch have kept audiences entertained for years, so much so that when new episodes left the airwaves, there felt like there was a skyscraper-sized hole in the hearts of dedicated viewers.

Well, Adult Swim heard those cries, ditto for creators Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, and the Venture gods have graced the world with a new animated movie, hilariously and confusingly called Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart. (To be honest, it sounds as if this movie is a conciliation gift for no eighth season of the show.)

The problem with some show-to-movie adaptations is that the longer running time leads to a lull in the second act. There’s usually a snazzy opening that reintroduces the characters, plus a fireworks ending with a heartfelt sendoff. But the in-between is typically no good, serving as filler to get from point A to point B. Thankfully this formula is not present in The Venture Bros.’s new flick. From front to back, these 84 minutes fly by, with the audience at the end feeling both satisfied and wanting more. It almost feels like a spot-on gig from a classic rock band. Yes, they played all the hits. Yes, the couple of deep tracks were worth it. Yes, I want to see them again.

The details of the plot and where the characters find themselves are almost secondary; the more important news is that they are back together again. Old enemies become uncomfortable new friends. Hank heads out across the United States to find answers about his upbringing and family history. And throughout, the humor is intact, and the voice work is still killer. A continued and sustained bravo for James Urbaniak, Patrick Warburton, Hammer, Publick (Chris McCulloch) and company. Much like the series itself, the film is written by Hammer and Publick, with Publick pulling triple duty as director.

The new Venture Bros. film is so good and so surprising that one hopes these adventures continue on and on. It may be too lofty a goal to hope for another weekly show, but this Baboon Heart pulsates with infectious energy and exquisite comedy … so perhaps there’s room for more direct-to-video / direct-to-streaming adventures. Doc, the Monarch and their motley crew of silly-billy family members and acquaintances deserve even more action and diabolical hijinks.

By John Soltes / Publisher /

The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart is now available on DVD and Blu-ray. Click here for more information.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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