INTERVIEW: Mike Mignola’s work inspires new documentary

Image courtesy of Superfan Promotions / Provided with permission.

This month, fans of Mike Mignola, the legendary creator of Hellboy, have a chance to support a documentary project that delves into his artwork and career. Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters, co-directed and produced by Jim Demonakos and Kevin Hanna, has brought together an impressive array of voices to share their experiences with the maestro. Joining in the documentary fun are Neil Gaiman (American Gods), Rebecca Sugar (Steven Universe), Adam Savage (Mythbusters) and Doug Jones (Hellboy and Star Trek: Discovery), among many others.

Like with most Kickstarter projects, fans who chip in now can have their fundraising memorialized with a variety of gifts and opportunities. There are T-shirts, Blu-ray editions and even a commission by Mignola himself.

This should be a special project because Mignola has greatly influenced the comic book industry. He started in the profession in the 1980s and has been going strong ever since. He is the creator of Hellboy and its many off-shoots, plus The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects and several co-written projects with the likes of Christopher Golden and Thomas Sniegoski.

Recently Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Demonakos and Hanna about the Kickstarter campaign and the upcoming documentary. Questions and answers have been slightly edited for style.

How did this portrait of Mike Mignola first begin? Who had the idea?

HANNA: In 2019, Jim and I were grabbing lunch together, and over burgers, we started discussing how we felt that comic book creators had just as compelling stories as the characters they created. We thought it would be a really interesting space for documentaries, so we said, ‘Why not us,’ and that was the genesis of how we came to the idea.

How much access did you get to him and his studio?

DEMONAKOS: Mike was really gracious about inviting us in to his home. We had full access to him, and we got to do a tour of his house, as well as touring and filming his studio. He has so many bookshelves of amazing literature that has informed his work.

What do you love about his work?

DEMONAKOS: Weirdly, as I mentioned above, Mike’s work is all his life experiences as well as countless books, movies and other sources, distilled through his lens. Even if the same person had all the same books and tools that Mignola had, they still would not have dreamed up the same world that he has. It’s so unique and original.

Do you have a favorite character or comic?

HANNA: I would have to say that The Corpse and the Iron Shoes is my absolute favorite Hellboy story. To me, it is a perfect comic. For the longer stories The Conqueror Worm is amazing. It jumps around from horror, to sci-fi, to comedy, but it’s completely cohesive and consistent in tone. It’s 100% Mignola.  

How influential and impactful is Hellboy in the world of comics?

HANNA: Immensely. So many creators in comics, and in other creative industries as well, have been influenced by Hellboy and Mike Mignola’s work, or credit him for their inspiration. It was not hard for us to find a dozen creators who fit the bill, and there are so many more we’re talking to as well.

What’s your timeline and funding expectations for the project?

DEMONAKOS: In terms of a timeline, funding through Kickstarter ends on March 31. From there, we have a plan to start filming in the fall, mostly to make sure that we are vaccinated ourselves, plus adhering to all guidelines so we can travel safely to do the remaining interviews. After that, we’re looking to edit and finish the movie in to the winter, and be able to deliver the final film by spring of 2022.

Who do you think will be the target audience?

HANNA: I feel there will be a wide array of people interested in the film. Not only fans of Hellboy (either the movies or the comics) or Mignola, but people who are interested in seeing the story of someone’s creative journey and all the people that journey has touched so far.

By John Soltes / Publisher /

Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters is now being funded via Kickstarter. Click here for more information.

Image courtesy of Superfan Promotions / Provided with permission.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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