INTERVIEW: Animal Planet fishes for stories at Georgia Aquarium

Photo: The Aquarium features the marine species of the Georgia Aquarium. Photo courtesy of Animal Planet / Provided by press site with permission.

Animal Planet’s The Aquarium takes viewers into the inner-workings of the Georgia Aquarium, home to exotic species like manta rays and endangered African penguins. Throw in some rescued southern sea otters and rescued California sea lions, and the series ends up having a varied cast of swimming animals.

The series, which airs new episodes Sundays at 8 p.m., also follows the human staff of the Georgia Aquarium as they travel the world and try to save certain marine species from extinction.

Recently Hollywood Soapbox exchanged emails with Erin Wanner, senior vice president of production for the network. Here are the answers she provided. Questions and answers have been slightly edited for style.

What can fans expect on the new series The Aquarium?

Fans can expect a complete backstage pass to the fascinating world of running the Western Hemisphere’s largest aquarium. They will learn things about marine species that they’ve never encountered and meet the people who spend their lives caring for these amazing animals and making sure they have healthy, happy and enriched lives.

So many people have visited an aquarium in their lives, but getting to see all that goes on behind the exhibits and getting so incredibly close to the animals is truly special — as is getting to experience the love that the aquarium staff has for all of the animals in their care.

I never knew a baby blue spotted stingray could be cute, but when the person charged with caring for the hours-old babies talks to me about how she feels getting to feed them for the first time, I see them in a whole new light!

Did the team have total access to the facility?

Yes, the team at Georgia Aquarium was incredible to work with and welcomed our crews with open arms. Everyone always put animal safety first, of course, but we truly were given extraordinary access to everything that goes on behind the scenes, which is what makes the series so special.

What do you hope the audience learns from the series?

I hope the series sheds light on the important role that facilities like Georgia Aquarium play when it comes to animal conservation in the wild. Not only can they educate the public about these issues and create connections between animals and humans that make us care about their fate in the wild, but we also highlight the work Georgia Aquarium does to help wild species under threat.

Did you go to an aquarium as a child? Was it a transformative experience?

I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, and made regular trips to the aquarium there with my family as a child. I can remember being completely transfixed by all the different creatures swimming by me in their giant tank, and my absolute favorite was getting to handle the starfish in the tide pool exhibit. Those experiences gave me a lasting fascination with the oceans and all the incredible species that inhabit them.

By John Soltes / Publisher /

The Aquarium airs new episodes Sundays at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet. Click here for more information.

John Soltes

John Soltes is an award-winning journalist. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Earth Island Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, New Jersey Monthly and at, among other publications. E-mail him at

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